Tag Archives: murphy institute

Calling All Applicants: 2018 Diversity Scholarship

To be eligible for the Diversity Scholarship, you must apply to and be accepted into the MA in Labor Studies, or the BA in Urban and Community Studies, labor concentration.

MA or BA application deadlines:  11:59 pm, February 20th, 2018

For information about the MA and BA programs and applications, please contact:

Murphy Institute Featured in the Positive Community

Last week, The Positive Community featured an article about the Murphy Institute by Henry A. Garrido, Executive Director of District Council37, AFCME, who also  serves as a Murphy Institute Advisory Board member. It begins:

There is a hidden gem of higher education opportunity in mid-Manhattan called the Murphy Institute for Worker Education. … Continue Reading ››

Announcing: JSMI Fall 2017 Public Programming Season

Each season, the Murphy Institute brings incisive public programming about the political and social issues facing our city, our country and our world. This fall, we're going deep on our democracy, our history and ourselves, exploring where we've been and where we might go from here. We begin this season with debate and strategic thinking regarding … Continue Reading ››