Category Archives: Events
Video: Rethinking Immigration
On May 1st, the CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies faculty hosted "Rethinking Immigration," an online conference featuring movement leaders, academics, and policy experts discussing the roots of the crisis we face, progressive immigration policy goals, and strategies to achieve those goals. The even featured Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Pramila Jayapal, and now, … Continue Reading ››
Online Event: Fighting COVID / Building Power: Workers & Unions on the Frontlines (5/19)
Tue. May 19 * 9:00am-10:15am Online Forum via ZOOM
Speakers include: Angeles Solis * Make the Road New York Director of Worker Organizing @AngeMariaSolis @maketheroadny Eric Loegel * TWU Local 100 Vice President, Rapid Transit Operations (RTO) @EricEddy100 @TWULocall100 Mark Henry * ATU Local 1056 President / Business Agent #ATULocal1056 #1u Nikki Kateman * Local 338 RWDSU/UFCW Political & Communications Director @nmkateman @Local338 Joshua Freeman … Continue Reading ››Rethinking Immigration Virtual Conference (5/1)
Please register for the live webcast of the RETHINKING IMMIGRATION conference, brought to you by the CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies. The event will be held exclusively ONLINE. U.S. immigration policy is a longstanding political flashpoint, one that may be further inflamed by the coronavirus crisis. The RETHINKING IMMIGRATION web conference will feature movement leaders, academics, and policy experts who will discuss the … Continue Reading ››
Video Seminars on Organizing Responses to COVID-19
SLU's Departments of Urban Studies and Labor Studies invite you to join us for the following video seminars to discuss some of the organizing responses to the pandemic:
Tuesday, April 14, 7-9 pm: “Urban Warfare: Housing Justice Under a Global Pandemic” with Raquel Rolnik (University of São Paulo, former UN Rapporteur on Adequate Housing), Daniel Aldana Cohen (University of Pennsylvania), and Cea Weaver (Upstate/Downstate … Continue Reading ››