Zara Cadoux has been a rabble-rouser from the start.

Zara Cadoux has been a rabble-rouser from the start.
The upcoming presidential elections could present a great test of American institutions. If the sitting US president loses the election and refuses to concede power — well, what happens? And how might he go about trying to pull it off? SLU professors Frances Fox Piven and Deepak Barghava tackled these questions in … Continue Reading ››
The conventional wisdom states that recessions are terrible times to organize. During the Great Recession, union membership continued to decline, while public approval of unions reached a low. But, in a recent piece on APM's Marketplace, Prof. Ruth Milkman explained that there's an exception to this rule: But in this recession, we’ve Continue Reading ››
The New Labor Forum has a monthly newsletter on current topics in labor, curated by the some of the most insightful scholars and activists in the labor world today. Check out some highlights from the latest edition below. Well in advance of the fall 2020 issue of New Labor Forum , we are releasing … Continue Reading ››
In 2015, the Writer’s Guild of America, East, had their first victory organizing in digital media when writers at Gawker Media voted overwhelmingly to form a union. Five years later, it is clear that the Guild’s first organizing victory at Gawker Media was the spark that lit a fire of media workers joining unions across the … Continue Reading ››