Labor Studies Professor Stephanie Luce writes about organizing in the labor movement to defend democracy in the event of a contested election. She notes that some unions are trying to connect their core activists with local “protect the vote” groupings in key states and cities to show up to polls and fight to make sure … Continue Reading ››
Tag Archives: democracy
Social Security for All
By Deepak Bhargava and Mimi Abramovitz The economic crisis that accompanied the COVID pandemic pushed the safety net into the spotlight—and millions of Americans have found it threadbare. People seeking help for the first time are learning what poor and working-class people—mostly women and people of color—have long known: that in times of crisis, the net … Continue Reading ››
Profs. Fox Piven and Bhargava on the Presidential Elections in the Intercept
The upcoming presidential elections could present a great test of American institutions. If the sitting US president loses the election and refuses to concede power — well, what happens? And how might he go about trying to pull it off? SLU professors Frances Fox Piven and Deepak Barghava tackled these questions in … Continue Reading ››
SLU Prof. Kafui Attoh on WNYC’s On the Media
Last week, SLU Urban Studies Professor Kafui Attoh made an appearance on WNYC's On the Media to talk about the relationship between public transportation and democracy, closing out an hour that explores the injustices that undergird "feel good" stories about workers persevering through horrifying commutes and the perils of self-driving cars. From … Continue Reading ››
New Labor Forum Highlights, Labor Day Edition
The New Labor Forum has a bi-weekly newsletter on current topics in labor, curated by the some of the most insightful scholars and activists in the labor world today. Check out some highlights from the latest edition below. New Labor Forum’s September 2018 print issue is rolling off the press now. It contains … Continue Reading ››
Event: Is a Democratic Capitalism Possible (9/14)
Friday, Sept 14th, 8:30AM-10:30AM CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies 25 W. 43rd Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10036 RSVP HERE Inequality is accelerating at an alarming rate as corporate political power is expanding and worker rights and protections are shrinking. The hyper concentration of wealth in the hands of a financial … Continue Reading ››