Tag Archives: race

New Labor Forum Highlights: Oct. 17th, 2016

NLF Editorial Board Member Adolph Reed starts this issue of Highlights with a pushback. While the increased attention to police brutality and the injustice of our criminal justice system is essential, Reed argues that the one-dimensional focus on race obscures an understanding of the “ immensely fortified and self-reproducing institutional and industrial structure” of … Continue Reading ››

Can the Bay Area Tech Economy Embrace Equity Before It’s Too Late?

Featured photo credit: SEIU-USWW By Chris Schildt, PolicyLink This post originally appeared at New Economy Week 2015: From Austerity to Prosperity. Uber recently purchased one of the largest office spaces in downtown Oakland, California, with plans to move3,000 of its workers there by 2017. For a city facing a housing crisis and rapid … Continue Reading ››

#CharlestonSyllabus Brings Context to Tragedy

How can institutions of higher education spread critical understanding of and context for significant current events? How can we use social media to become more conscious about race, about our history, and about how to be better activists, allies and participants in the civic sphere? #CharlestonSyllabus is the Twitter hashtag started by Chad Williams, Associate Professor of African and … Continue Reading ››