Tag Archives: IATSE

Kayleigh Truman’s Journey to Broadway, and Beyond

Kayleigh Truman was destined for the spotlight.  Not in it: the person behind it, running the show.

Kayleigh grew up in the theatre. “My parents met at a famous old vaudeville house, Proctor’s in Schenectady, New York, so they always called me a ‘Product of Proctor’s.’ My dad got his union card when I was ten, but I didn’t really understand why unions were important. I didn’t intend to go into theatre. When I went to college, I wanted to study archeology. But my work/study job was in a scene shop. By the time I graduated I had done 35 college productions, two seasons of summer stock, and had interned at a regional theatre. And I realized that was really what I wanted to do.”

It’s well-known that the New York theatre scene is famously difficult to break into. Not for Kayleigh. “Right out of college, through a happy accident I got a job as an intern with a major Broadway props company. Got yelled at by John Malkovich second day on the job. Good times. From there, I spent the next three years freelancing in props production.”

Continue reading Kayleigh Truman’s Journey to Broadway, and Beyond

Assistant to the Business Agent, IATSE

IATSE Local 161 in New York City is looking for a full time Assistant to the Business Agent to start as soon as possible.

Responsibilities include organizing new members, tracking benefit contributions for members, tracking pay and overtime, communicating with benefit fund’s offices and payroll companies, keeping records of various jobs across our jurisdiction, keeping our database up to date, answering member’s questions, filing, backup administrative duties (answering the phone, communication with members, etc), and assisting the Business Agent as needed.

This position also includes the opportunity to learn the Local 161 and IATSE contracts, and has the potential for advancement.  Experience and/or interest in the film industry is a plus.  Full benefits (health, pension, 401k) are included.

Please send resumes and cover letters to Elena at elena@local161.org.