Sociocracy for All, New York City Network of Worker Cooperatives and DAWI at 10 years old!

Sociocracy for All

In October CWOP and the Murphy Institute at SLU hosted training with SoFA in partnership with Brooklyn Legal Services A. This aimed to help develop those coming from community organizing work to deepen practice for democratic self-management. People traveled from as far as Montreal and the day was dynamic with learning activities that got everyone engaged. Sociocracy is introduced in a class in the WDCO program, URB 613 “Cooperative Management for a Changing World” and this gave participants an immersive experience.

New York City Network of Worker Cooperatives

NYCNOWC had its Annual Assembly at our school. 60 people in person, 60 people online. The SLU IT team assured an effective hybrid meeting. Food was great, updates were wonderful, and as they voted for new board members, Jacquline Gaskin, a former student at SLU, is now on the board!



DAWI at 10 years old!

Democracy at Work Institute celebrated its 10th year this season with a party in Brooklyn. We were there! Students and faculty from SLU and other CUNY schools and some of our graduates and long time partners! Look forward to more to come! As the city’s initiative for cooperative development, WCBDI, will be celebrating its 10th year in 2024! See photos from the fun we had and the network we enjoy!