Category Archives: Labor and Community Job Opportunities

ORGANIZING BEYOND BARRIERS: Organizing or Research Internships and Training

Organizing Beyond Barriers (OBB) is UNITE HERE’s nationally coordinated program to build a progressive alliance of workers and students by teaching, agitating, and inspiring people to fight for justice.

We place a lot of emphasis on training and fieldwork. People learn by doing, whether it’s hearing about the real situations of working people in a house visit, speaking truth to power in a delegation or recruiting friends, family, or coworkers to an action. Our Union is committed to inspiring people of all ages and backgrounds to join our movement.

Students and workers across the United States and Canada came together for eight weeks in the summer to learn how to organize, push forward the union’s campaigns and find inspiration in people who are willing to take up the struggle for social justice.

The OBB program strives to link up the workers’ rights movement with the student movement, the LGBTQ movement, the immigrants’ rights movement and all other movements that struggle and work for social justice. We look forward to getting to know and be inspired by you.

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32 BJ, Senior Regional Communications Specialist: NEW YORK

32BJ SEIU, the largest property service union in the country, is seeking an aggressive, nimble and creative Senior Regional Communications Specialist to help develop and drive a comprehensive and strategic communications program centered on 32BJ’s new organizing campaigns in the New York City region, among other responsibilities.  The communications program includes media relations, social media and member communications for organizing drives, contract fights and legislative and political campaigns.

The Senior Regional Communications Specialist will be a key member of the union’s communications team, responsible for communications for breakthrough organizing campaigns in New York City. Currently, 32BJ is focused on winning justice for airport workers, growing our security division, and is participating in the national campaign to organize fast food workers. Additional capacity to support the specialist’s work will be added by union-wide New Media and Member Communications Strategists.

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Educators, National Nurses United – Institute for Health and Socio-Economic Policy

Educator Positions
National Nurses United, AFL-CIO (NNU) seeks experienced educators to work in its research arm, the Institute for Health and Socio-Economic Policy. NNU, the nation’s largest nurses’ union and professional association, leads the Registered Nurse movement to transform the market-driven healthcare industry into a health care system driven by patient needs. NNU has negotiated the best Registered Nurse collective bargaining contracts in the nation and provided critical leadership in the AFL-CIO’s decision to endorse a single-payer healthcare system based on updating and expanding Medicare benefits for all Americans.

Research Analysts, National Nurses United – Institute for Health and Socio-Economic Policy

National Nurses United, AFL-CIO (NNU) seeks experienced research analysts to work in its research arm, the Institute for Health and Socio-Economic Policy. NNU, the nation’s largest nurses’ union and professional association, leads the Registered Nurse movement to transform the market-driven healthcare industry into a health care system driven by patient needs. NNU has negotiated the best Registered Nurse collective bargaining contracts in the nation and provided critical leadership in the AFL-CIO’s decision to endorse a single-payer healthcare system based on updating and expanding Medicare benefits for all Americans.