Congratulations to Alyssa Bonilla on her winning essay, “Janus, the Roman God, and the Labor Movement”!

New Labor Forum hosted its first Student Essay Contest in the Fall and we are happy to announce that we received three outstanding submissions from students and recent alumni. While all three submissions were excellent, we selected the piece, “Janus, the Roman God, and the Labor Movement” by Alyssa Bonilla as the winner. Bonilla’s article will appear in the May issue of the journal. Thank you to everyone who helped make the contest a success! We look forward to running it again next Fall.
From the essay:
“The Janus case pending before the Supreme Court is an important moment in the ongoing battle between labor and capital in America. Labor is anticipating the case with dread. Capital anticipates a major victory. The case is invoking familiar legal arguments such as constitutional questions, the rights of the individual and fair pay for services rendered. There is, however, another lens through which one might view this case, a symbolic lens, that may open up our collective thinking about the issues involved, clarifying the strategies needed to move forward.”
Look forward to the full piece in the May issue of the New Labor Forum!
Alyssa Bonilla, M.A. in Labor Studies, is a graduate of the Murphy Institute and lives in New York City. Ms. Bonilla teaches at Queens College, CUNY and Empire State College, SUNY. She can be reached at alyssa[dot]bonilla[at]esc[dotedu