Tag Archives: energy democracy

TUED International Conference on Just Transition

By John Treat for TUED

On May 29, 2018, trade union representatives and close allies from more than a dozen countries met in New York City for TUED’s international conference, Towards a Just Transition: International Labor Perspectives on Energy, Climate and Economy.

The conference brought together more than fifty participants, from both the global North and the global South, representing 31 unions as well as 15 environmental, community-based, research and policy allies. Participants came to New York from Australia, Canada, Brazil, India, Italy, Nepal, Philippines, South Korea, South Africa, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States (including Puerto Rico) and Vietnam. Many of the international participants also joined TUED’s two-day strategic retreat, which took place immediately following the conference. Continue reading TUED International Conference on Just Transition

Photos from Trade Union Climate Summit

On June 29th, the International Program for Labor, Climate and Environment, in partnership with 32BJ, Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, and Rosa Luxemburg Siftung – New York, hosted a one-day climate summit. The summit brought together unions from the U.S. and 12 other countries for a day of discussion on the Paris talks and related actions; the international trade union movement’s program and strategy and the need to confront the ‘energy and climate emergency,’ and to hear how unions are linking climate protection to the anti-austerity and equality movements that are gaining momentum in different countries.

Check out these photos from the summit, courtesy of Rosa Luxemburg Siftung – New York.

On this panel (from left) Sari Sairanen (Director of Health and Safety, UNIFOR), Donald Lafleur (Executive Vice President, CLC), and Mireille Pelletier (advisor, CSN-Québec) are optimistic about the power shift taking place in Canadian politics.
On this panel (from left) Sari Sairanen (Director of Health and Safety, UNIFOR), Donald Lafleur (Executive Vice President, CLC), and Mireille Pelletier (advisor, CSN-Québec) are optimistic about the power shift taking place in Canadian politics.


Maité Llanos (TUED and Global Labour Institute--Geneva) offers an overview of preparations for the upcoming UN climate negotiations in Paris while (from left) Fabienne Cru-Montblanc (National Executive Committee, CGT, France) and Marie-Christine Naillod (Policy Advisor, CGT) listen attentively.
Maité Llanos (TUED and Global Labour Institute–Geneva) offers an overview of preparations for the upcoming UN climate negotiations in Paris while (from left) Fabienne Cru-Montblanc (National Executive Committee, CGT, France) and Marie-Christine Naillod (Policy Advisor, CGT) listen attentively.


Chris Baugh (Assistant General Secretary, PCS, UK) facilitates a panel on the connection between the climate fight and the struggle against austerity and inequality in southern Europe.
Chris Baugh (Assistant General Secretary, PCS, UK) facilitates a panel on the connection between the climate fight and the struggle against austerity and inequality in southern Europe.


Wol-san Liem (Director of International Affairs, KPTU, Korea) discusses the need for a "programmatic shift" in international labor's climate policies while Alana Dave (Education Director, ITF) and Asbjørn Wahl (International Advisor, Union of Municipal and General Employees, Norway) carefully consider her remarks.
Wol-san Liem (Director of International Affairs, KPTU, Korea) discusses the need for a “programmatic shift” in international labor’s climate policies while Alana Dave (Education Director, ITF) and Asbjørn Wahl (International Advisor, Union of Municipal and General Employees, Norway) carefully consider her remarks.


Colin Long (Victorian State Secretary, NTEU, Australia) poses a question from the floor.
Colin Long (Victorian State Secretary, NTEU, Australia) poses a question from the floor.


Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez (President, NYSNA) describes how her union has engaged members through climate education and mobilization while (from left) Bruce Hamilton (Vice President, ATU), Fernando Losada (Collective Bargaining Director, NNU), and Christopher Erikson (Business Manager, IBEW Local 3) join her in insisting on the need for the U.S. labor movement to take the lead in the struggle to stop climate change.
Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez (President, NYSNA) describes how her union has engaged members through climate education and mobilization while (from left) Bruce Hamilton (Vice President, ATU), Fernando Losada (Collective Bargaining Director, NNU), and Christopher Erikson (Business Manager, IBEW Local 3) join her in insisting on the need for the U.S. labor movement to take the lead in the struggle to stop climate change.


Lenore Friedlaender (Assistant to the President, SEIU 32BJ) introduces three leaders who are building a new socio-ecological mass movement: (from left) Jacqui Patterson (Director, NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program), Denise Fairchild (President and CEO, Emerald Cities Collaborative), and Dean Hubbard (Director, Sierra Club Labor Programs).
Lenore Friedlaender (Assistant to the President, SEIU 32BJ) introduces three leaders who are building a new socio-ecological mass movement: (from left) Jacqui Patterson (Director, NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program), Denise Fairchild (President and CEO, Emerald Cities Collaborative), and Dean Hubbard (Director, Sierra Club Labor Programs).


Sean Sweeney (Director, International Program for Labor, Climate and the Environment, The Murphy Institute, CUNY) gives a report on TUED's progress.
Sean Sweeney (Director, International Program for Labor, Climate and the Environment, The Murphy Institute, CUNY) gives a report on TUED’s progress.

Greece Today: Sean Sweeney on the Future of Greece’s Energy System

Murphy Institute Professor Sean Sweeney just returned from Athens, where he delivered a presentation entitled Third Memorandum or Grexit: What are the implications for the Future of Greece’s Energy System? at the Democracy Rising conference. In his talk, Sweeney explained:

…[E]nergy will be at the heart of the struggles in Greece in the years ahead, Memorandum or Grexit. Energy poverty has grown with austerity and recession, and Syriza has taken measures to protect the poorest and most vulnerable from, for example, electricity disconnections.

But it is clear that the structure of Greece’s energy system also needs to change. The “Institutions”, through the Memorandum, have a clear sense of what restructuring energy means for them—full-on privatization. However, a left restructuring would seek to address two major challenges: firstly, Greece’s dependence on fossil fuel imports and, secondly, how to take advantage of its potential to generate large amounts of renewable energy.

Sweeney presents a thorough analysis of Greece’s choices given the country’s uncertain future and the real, pressing need for “a new economy and a new society.”

Access the full presentation at Trade Unions for Energy Democracy.

Photo by Martin Abegglen via flickr (CC-BY-SA).

Power to the People: Toward Democratic Control of Electricity Generation

A new working paper from Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) titled Power to the People: Toward Democratic Control of Electricity Generation shows how “another energy is possible, and absolutely necessary.” The paper documents how and where energy democracy is expressing itself — and argues that public renewable power can drive the energy revolution the world needs. Union leaders from different sectors have welcomed the report.

Check it out.

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy is a multi-partner initiative coordinated by the International Program for Labor, Climate and Environment (IPLCE), based out of the Murphy Institute, in cooperation with the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – New York Office. 

Photo by Bert Kaufmann via flickr (CC-BY).

This Is What Energy Democracy Looks Like

Profit-driven approaches to our energy supply are not working. Emissions continue to rise and our climate is rapidly changing. How can we move toward “energy democracy,” shifting to a more sustainable, equitable energy system? And what’s the role of trade unions in getting us there?

This video from RLS–NYC and Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) points the way:


Photo by David Blaikie via flickr (CC-BY).