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Who Produces NYC’s Culture?

Flux Factory 39-31 29th St., Long Island City, NY, United States

RSVP on Facebook The life and death of non-commercial art and culture organizations in New York City today is tied very closely to their ability to negotiate with the market, both to maintain a physical presence and to sustain long-term programming. The spaces that ultimately succeed tend to be those that have access to wealth … Continue reading Who Produces NYC’s Culture?

Summit on Latin@s NYC

Hunter College Silberman School of Social Work 2180 3rd Ave., New York, NY, United States

Left Forum 2017

John Jay College 841 10th Ave, New York, NY, United States

Featured Speakers: Linda Sarsour, Richard D. Wolff, Chase Iron Eyes Madonna Thunder Hawk, Tithi Bhattacharya, Cinzia Arruzza, Bhaskar Sunkara, L.A. Kauffman, Glen Ford, Laura Flanders, Paul Mason, Christian Parenti, Chris … Continue reading Left Forum 2017

The New Economy: How Labor Unions Support Worker Owned Businesses for Local Wealth

Fordham University Lincoln Center 150 W 62nd St., New York, NY, United States

REGISTER HERE Under fierce attack from the corporate sector, labor unions have been exploring, creating, and preserving sustainable worker owned, democratically managed businesses from large to small that are anchored … Continue reading The New Economy: How Labor Unions Support Worker Owned Businesses for Local Wealth

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