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Murphy Institute Information Session

Citywide Training Center (CTC) Centre St., 24th Fl. south side, New York, NY, United States

Explore the undergraduate/graduate degree and credit-bearing certificate programs offered by the Murphy Institute, CUNY School of Professional Studies! Attend an information session at the Citywide Training Center Join us to learn more about the Murphy Institute’s program offerings, including: At Murphy’s Mid-Manhattan Center MA in Urban Studies MA in Labor Studies BA in Urban and … Continue reading Murphy Institute Information Session

Divided Results: Voting and Partisan Gerrymandering

In light of the Supreme Court’s decision to hear Gill vs Whitford, speakers will be asked to explore the history of gerrymandering and the effects of recent changes in technology, data mining, and dark money, to understand the implications of potential Supreme Court decisions. Before this case made it to the Supreme Court, what work had … Continue reading Divided Results: Voting and Partisan Gerrymandering

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