Labor Studies Professor Stephanie Luce writes about organizing in the labor movement to defend democracy in the event of a contested election. She notes that some unions are trying to connect their core activists with local “protect the vote” groupings in key states and cities to show up to polls and fight to make sure … Continue Reading ››
Tag Archives: workers
New Publications from SLU Faculty and Staff
Stephanie Luce has two new articles out: one in LaborNotes on workers and housing, and another in Portside on how unions are organizing for racial justice.
Gladys Palma de Shrynemakers is co-hosting Next Gen Assessment: A Series for Educators Transitioning Online for the American Association of Colleges and Universities … Continue Reading ››
Ruth Milkman on the Future of Unions in Post-Pandemic America
What's the future of labor in post-pandemic America? As once-ignored workers are increasingly hailed as frontline heroes, how can the attention translate into a stronger labor movement? SLU's Ruth Milkman shared thoughts in an article in The American Prospect, part of the publication's symposium on "The Future of … Continue Reading ››
Stephanie Luce: Essential Work
This article was original featured at Organizing Upgrade. By Stephanie Luce
IS SEEKING OUT in Prospect Park Brooklyn. So in a few days it’s my birthday and I’m mega depressed enough as it is already spending isolation alone. Now I’ll have to spend my bday alone too. Can anyone help me get stuff … Continue Reading ››
Prof. Ruth Milkman Speaks About Workers on NPR
Amid the mounting coronavirus and economic crises, not all pressures are being felt equally. In particular, noted SLU professor Ruth Milkman on NPR's Morning Edition, the most desperate workers are often those forced into positions that don't offer paid sick leave at this precarious time:
RUTH MILKMAN: You can imagine that there's an awful … Continue Reading ››
Event: FROM THE FIELDS TO THE RUNWAY: Women Workers Fighting to End Sexual Assault (3/5)
Thu, March 5, 2020, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM EST
Labor and Urban Studies, 25 West 43rd Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10036
Featuring worker-leaders from The Model Alliance and Coalition of Immokalee Workers. Learn about their worker-driven approach to end and prevent sexual assault and discrimination from the tomato … Continue Reading ››