Tag Archives: Internship

Highland Hill Project Seeks Community Planning/Organizing Summer Interns (Yonkers, NY)

CGDCNY is a start-up/growing non-profit community development organization in Southwest Yonkers, NY. Our mission is to transform southwest Yonkers through urban planning and community leadership development. We are currently recruiting a team of paid interns to help administer our Highland Hill Community Planning Project which aims to create a comprehensive and community led neighborhood plan for a section of Southwest Yonkers. That plan will then be used as an outline for our organizing and base building work in Highland Hill.

For more information about our organization visit CGDCNY.org 

Term: June – late August

Compensation: $13.00/hour

Hours: 25-30/week

Location: 45 Ludlow Street, Yonkers, Suite 312 (Assessable via Metro North or 1 and 4 train) 

We are currently seeking the following:

Community Planning Intern

The Community Planning Intern will work under the direction of our Executive Director and Neighborhood Planning Committee. The Community Planning Intern will be responsible for assisting with the completion of our community needs assessment and assisting with the development of our Highland Hill Neighborhood Plan.

Responsibilities include:

  • Collecting & analyzing community needs data
  • Case study research
  • Report writing & coordinating final production of report
  • Community outreach & public presentations
  • Grant writing

Ideal candidates will:

  • Have a working knowledge of SPSS
  • Strong oral and written skills
  • Previous experience mapping data

Community Organizing Intern

The Community Organizing Intern will work under the direction of our Executive Director and Neighborhood Planning Committee. The Community Organizing Intern will be responsible for leading our community outreach & base building strategy which includes the collection of data for our needs assessment.

Responsibilities include:

  • Planning and coordinating outreach
  • Organizing focus groups, community forums, and events
  • Database Management

Ideal candidates will:

  • Have fluency in Spanish
  • Strong organizational & interpersonal skills
  • Experience with community organizing

Human Services Intern

Our Human Services Intern will work under the direction of our Executive Director and Neighborhood Planning Committee. The Human Services Intern will be responsible for building relationships with local service providing organizations and help build and manage our database system. Using the database, the Human Service Intern will help connect community members (particularly youth) with programing and resources to help them achieve their life goals.

Responsibilities include:

  • Build relationships & database of service providing agencies and key staff
  • Track client program placement and progress over time
  • Organize presentations promoting the availability of the program

Ideal candidate will:

  • Have fluency in Spanish
  • Strong Intrapersonal Skills
  • Be a student of social work or another relevant discipline

To apply: Send cover letter and resume to internships@cgdcny.org

Deadline: May 1st

*Please indicate which role you are applying for in the subject Ex. Subject: “Community Organizing Intern”

Davidson Community Center Seeks Paid Intern (Bronx, NY)

 Commercial Revitalization Intern Position: PAID

The Davidson Community Center Inc., founded in 1965, is a non-profit community based organization with a history of cooperative programming serving children, families and seniors throughout the Northwest Bronx. We believe that essential skills, training and education are crucial tools for a thriving community.

We have partnered with the New York City Department of Small Business Services and other local stakeholders to undertake a comprehensive commercial district assessment process to promote and revitalize the Burnside Avenue Commercial District.

Davidson Community Center is seeking an intern to join their team and assist in the implementation of a Commercial District Needs Assessment in the Burnside Avenue Commercial District. Interns will work between January and May for up to 15 hours per week at 20 dollars per hour. Specific tasks include:

  • Outreach and engagement with merchants and business owners
  • Serve as liaison between residents, property owners, merchants, and other stakeholders and Davidson Community Center
  • Survey development and analysis
  • Compilation and analysis of quantitative demographic and market data
  • Assist in the development of content for the final report

Preferred Skills:

  • Excellent MS Word, MS Excel,  and MS PowerPoint skills
  • Strong organizational and time management capabilities
  • Experience in community outreach and engagement
  • Interest in economic or commercial development
  • Interest in and/or previous understanding of Business Improvement Districts

How to apply:

Please email your resume and cover letter to Angel Caballero at Angel7111954<at>gmail<dot>com

Please call (seven-one-eight) seven.three.one-six.three.six.zero for more information.

ORGANIZING BEYOND BARRIERS: Organizing or Research Internships and Training

Organizing Beyond Barriers (OBB) is UNITE HERE’s nationally coordinated program to build a progressive alliance of workers and students by teaching, agitating, and inspiring people to fight for justice.

We place a lot of emphasis on training and fieldwork. People learn by doing, whether it’s hearing about the real situations of working people in a house visit, speaking truth to power in a delegation or recruiting friends, family, or coworkers to an action. Our Union is committed to inspiring people of all ages and backgrounds to join our movement.

Students and workers across the United States and Canada came together for eight weeks in the summer to learn how to organize, push forward the union’s campaigns and find inspiration in people who are willing to take up the struggle for social justice.

The OBB program strives to link up the workers’ rights movement with the student movement, the LGBTQ movement, the immigrants’ rights movement and all other movements that struggle and work for social justice. We look forward to getting to know and be inspired by you.

Learn More