Media Specialist for Ethnic Media

About the Center for Community Change

The Center for Community Change is a national social justice non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. Founded in 1968 to honor the life and values of Robert F. Kennedy, our mission is to build the power and capacity of low-income people, especially low-income people of color, to have a significant impact in improving their communities and the policies and institutions that affect their lives.

The Center for Community Change is committed to help build powerful and dynamic movements in diverse communities across America that will be the impetus for creating a society in which everyone has enough to thrive and achieve their full potential.  Inspired by a belief in the dignity of all people, the Center has been instrumental in the fight for comprehensive and fair immigration reform, a push for a bold jobs agenda, and protecting essential retirement security programs. The Center played a major role in recent positive changes to immigration laws that will keep thousands of immigrant families together. Our Housing Trust Fund Project has helped bring affordable housing to millions of people.

About the Center for Community Change Action

The mission of the Center for Community Change Action (CCCAction) is to increase the profile of policy issues that matter to low-income people and people of color, as well as to educate and empower low-income people and people of color to act on those issues.

In recent years, CCCAction and its partners have won important improvements in the social safety net, protected critical retirement security programs from the chopping block, defeated numerous anti-worker measures and mobilized communities across the country to win historic health care reform.  CCCAction has been widely credited with preventing anti-progressive forces from seizing the U.S. Senate through our work building a “firewall” with Latino, low-income and immigrant voters. Today, CCCAction is training more than 1,000 new activist leaders in swing states as we build a new movement for job creation.  For further information, please visit our website at

Position Description:

The Center is seeking a media specialist who will focus on outreach to ethnic media nationwide as the Center continues its work toward achieving comprehensive immigration reform. This will be a full time, permanent position.  A portion of time may be spent doing work for CCC’s sister organization, CCCAction.

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