Democracy Spring Seeks Full-Time Organizers

Democracy Spring is now looking to hire a committed staff of full-time organizers. All staff positions begin immediately and will continue through the conclusion of the campaign in April.

If you or anyone you know is ready to step up and devote yourself to an historic campaign of mass, strategic nonviolent action to save democracy in the United States, now is the time. We believe Democracy Spring has extraordinary potential to create a breakthrough moment in the fight to end big money corruption and establish true democracy – and we need a team of dedicated, passionate, talented, and skilled organizers to make it happen.

We are looking to immediately fill the following core staff positions:

Field Organizing Coordinator

Field Organizer (x3)

Field Organizer & Trainer

Field & Logistics Organizer

Digital Field Organizer

If you wish to apply for any of these positions, please send a resume and brief cover letter explaining your motivations and qualifications immediately to Please include your full name and the position(s) you are applying for in the “subject” field of your email. Women, people of color, LGBTQI people, low-income people, and persons with disabilities strongly encouraged to apply.

Looking forward to working with you,

The Democracy Spring Steering Committee