New Labor Forum Highlights: Jan. 5, 2016

The New Labor Forum has launched a bi-weekly newsletter on current topics in labor, curated by the some of the most insightful scholars and activists in the labor world today. Check out some highlights from the latest edition below.

It’s that time of year again, when we release another issue of New Labor Forum into the world! With the New Year celebrations behind us, we’re pleased to offer a selection of free articles covering the dissolution of the Republican Party, Black Lives Matter, adjunct organizing, the next debt-based financial crisis, and the Next System Project, which aims to refine and publicize alternative political-economic system models capable of delivering more just and sustainable social, economic and ecological outcomes.

Our freely available articles are only a small fraction of what our subscribers enjoy. See the full table of contents on our website, and subscribe to our print and digital editions here.


  1. The Fissuring of the Republican Party: A Road Map to Political Chaos / Darren Dochuk
  2. Black Lives Matter: Toward a Modern Practice of Mass Struggle / Russell Rickford
  3. Adjuncts of the World Unite: How Faculty Are Resisting the Corporatization of Higher Education / Malini Cadambi Daniel
  4. The Subprime Specter Returns: High Finance and the Growth of High Risk Consumer Debt / Jennifer Taub
  5. New York Inaugural Teach-In for the Next System Project