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Divided Results: Voting and Partisan Gerrymandering

In light of the Supreme Court’s decision to hear Gill vs Whitford, speakers will be asked to explore the history of gerrymandering and the effects of recent changes in technology, data mining, and dark money, to understand the implications of potential Supreme Court decisions. Before this case made it to the Supreme Court, what work had … Continue reading Divided Results: Voting and Partisan Gerrymandering

Labor Goes to the Movies: Where to Invade Next

This year, Labor Goes to the Movies will examine the theme “Regime/Resistance.” The film series begins with a screening of Michael Moore’s Where to Invade Next (2015) on Fri., Sept. 15 in the PSC Union Hall (61 Broadway, 16th floor). In the film, Moore visits nine countries with better systems for dealing with an array of social and political … Continue reading Labor Goes to the Movies: Where to Invade Next

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